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Image by Austin Pacheco
Youth Ministry -
Thursdays 6 - 9pm

Roblin Wesleyan Youth strives to be a place where youth feel comfortable and accepted - where people who are seeking God can find him. We are a group that is working to share the message of salvation through Jesus Christ to a dying world. We share the message of Jesus Christ so youth can come to believe in him. We want to see youth grow to become rooted and established in their faith, becoming more like Christ in character and in mission through the spirit of God. We want to see youth released to carry on the message and ministry of Jesus Christ into the world. 

Image by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦
Celebrate Recovery
On pause

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ centered 12 step program for those who are ready to embark on a journey of real and lasting change. 

CR is for anyone 18+ wanting to let go of their Hurts, Habits & Hang-Ups.


Kid's Ministry -
During Sunday Service

At RWC, we are making it our mission to help kids grow in their relationship with Christ. We are committed to helping them know who Jesus is, giving them opportunities to build a personal relationship with him, and helping them to recognize and use their gifts and talents to serve. We know that kids are not just the future of the church, they are the church now. We strive to help them see how they fit into God's amazing plan!

Image by Tim Mossholder
Small Groups & Sunday School

Looking to connect in a smaller setting? Want to dive deeper into biblical studies with others? We have a variety of small groups that will be relaunching this fall to join for those of all ages and walks of life. 

Image by Zac Durant
RWC Logo 2020 white.png
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3100 County Rd 41, Box 84

Roblin, Ontario K0K 2W0

©2025 by Roblin Wesleyan Church

Note: we do not consent to marketing emails, our email is displayed for individuals to contact us, not businesses. Thank you.

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